If you’re generally happy with your garden, or not in a position to spend a chunk of money on it right now, it’s probably not cost effective asking us to produce a full design. As an alternative, we could spend some time with you providing horticultural and design advice for which we would charge on an hourly rate basis, plus travel. Many clients find this a useful way to move their garden forward.
Our fees are dependent on the work required and as such are tailored to your needs. We always make our fees clear before each stage of the project. Importantly, you can be assured that at all times we work solely for you. We do not take hidden fees from any landscaper or specialist that is needed for your project. When we recommend a contractor they will give you their best price because they do not pay us commission. We work solely for you – we guarantee it.
Yes, of course, you are free to use any contractor you choose. However, there is a good deal of difference between internal and external works so we always recommend experienced landscape contractors.
A fabulous book that takes the stress out of pruning is “The RHS Pruning and Training”, ISBN 9781405315265, by Christopher Brickell and David Joyce, which you can buy from the RHS online bookshop for around £16.99
There is no such thing as a low maintenance NEW garden. New gardens need watering and weeding. You can do much to help things by installing an irrigation systems and you can mulch. In particular irrigation needs careful thought and impacts budget, so is best thought about sooner rather than later.
For that you’ll need a landscape contractor and we’ll be on hand to arrange competitive quotes. We’ll see you right through the build process and ensure that your garden is completed to a high standard.
We’re based to the east of Bournemouth and cover all of Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Sussex, the Home Counties and into London though we do take the size of project into account when considering areas further away. Feel free to ring for a chat and you’ll get a straight answer.